Yesterday we had quite a weather show late in the afternoon and on into evening. I hope

you can see the rainbow over the little Airstream trailer in the first couple of photos. The clouds were coming along as the weather front moved east and south. The first photo of the trailer is directly north of us. By early evening the clouds were completely dark and the lightning started. The clouds let go and it continued for several hours, with the lightning continuing off in the distance across the water. Very impressive. The video (turn on the sound for Sea of Cortez surf) is of the surf which we rarely see like this. We can hear it in the morning after the storm passed through. We don't have the rocks on our beach as shown in the video.... that beach is a little further north than we are here. Today is bright and sunny again, the storm just part of the ever changing scene here at the beach. Oh! before all the weather show started - mid afternoon- we had another kind of show....2 whales were offshore showing off for the gathering crowd (all 8 or so of us)... flukes, backs, spouts, and tails were all on display. Folks were rushing for binoculars, cameras, and chairs to catch the show. Very impressive! Needless to say, we are loving it here on the beach....
Happy trails and sea....

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