Friday, May 21, 2010

Glee and Roof Rack=busy week

Well it's been a busy week or so. Last Sunday we went to Phoenix to see the stage musical production of "Glee", of tv fame. There was a huge crowd at Dodge Theater and all ages were represented. One of the great things about the program "Glee" is the diverse cast and this was represented in the audience too. We were not the only ones representing the "older" generation! We were all probably outnumbered 100 to 1 (or more) by teenage girls, and all of them seemed to have some kind of fancy phone/device to take photos of themselves, their friends and anyone else that moved! Those little white screens were everywhere! If you know the tv program you will remember Will Schuster, the Glee teacher, and cheerleader coach, Sue Sylvester... they were there via video screens, doing their part to tell the 'story'. We enjoyed the show very much. This was their opening for the tour and we got the full treatment.

Today, Friday, we went to REI and picked up paddles, life vests (pfd's) and roof rack for the Jeep, to start our outfitting for the kayaks. Then we came home and ordered kayaks and equipment to fill out our requirements for our paddle adventures. We have researched, Googled and read about as much as we could take in, stewed over and over, "should we, should we not," !!! Well, we done did it, and we're glad! We will pick up the kayaks at the REI in Tacoma when we returned to WA. I must say, we were impressed with the service both in the store and on the phone today. Look out Los Barriles, we'll be ready to BOAT!!

We expect to leave Casa Grande mid time next week, if the packing up of coach goes well. Can't wait to live on those new floors and chairs.. mean while, Happy Trails..

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Monday, May 3, 2010

Sedona and trip home to CG

We had a good visit in Sedona. We took a Red Jeep tour into the backcountry that was informative and we saw some beautiful country. We also did some offroad Jeeping on our own, though nothing as adventuresome as the Red Jeep tour. Our driver was a real pro. The drive back to Casa Grande gave us our first real 'dust storm' experience. South of Phoenix, we could see the dirt/dust and feel the winds. Traffic slowed down fast for an accident between an 18-wheeler and a small compact. I am sure this was probably in part due to the very low visability in the area... tho traffic kept right on moving. Further down the road, we almost came to a standstill. You can see in the photos what we were up against. Very dangerous, and then a few miles down the road, it cleared enough to proceed home safely. Today the wind is gone and skies are blue. All I could think was, there goes the farmers topsoil, off to New Mexico!
The gentleman with the cowboy hat was our driver for Red Jeep. Roger has mostly recovered from the bronchitis and was able to really enjoy our last few days there. We're back in Casa Grande now for maybe 2 weeks before heading north. Flower and cactus are in bloom here and the park is pretty well empty of the snowbirds now. The park has a very quiet feel to it. We are quite content.
Happy trails....

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