Friday, February 12, 2010

Baja kite sailing 2/12/10

Wind is back today and kite boarders and sailboarders were out in force. Had a chance to go down on the beach and get some close up photos. We had never seen the kite board up close before. They inflate the leading edge with air so it resembles the construction of a bird' wing. They use a small surf-looking board and wear a harness around the waist area. The handle is similar to one used for waterskiing.... but also attached to the harness. They 'walk' the inflated sail down to the water, carrying their board. They wade in, fill the sail with wind, and let the force pull them up out of the water. They can really move and the best of them do fancy footwork doing jumps, quick turns, etc. We've watched beginner handling the lines of the kite itself while still on solid ground. I've also included photo of the sail board. Both were out in good numbers today. We are about to take off to watch a "Quad" parade in town this afternoon. The local Rotary club has pulled together a big event and we've heard folks in town talking about decorating quad all week. Several resturants are having parties and music later. We will try Caleb's Taco night, just to keep in the spirit of things.
happy trails....

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