We crossed the border at Tecate' about 10.30 am. You can see from our photos, that our trusty kayaks are loaded (and so are all the rigs !). A quick breakfast at the casino coffee shop braced us for the journey. After an uneventful but long drive we stayed at the Hotel Jardines, in San Quintin. You can see what a beautiful place this is; not particularly large, but the grounds were beautiful and the rooms very nice. We took Hiway Mex 3 out of Tecate',then onto Mex 1 to San Quintin. We got excellent recommendations and directions from folks on the Baja Pony Express internet newsletter. On the 3rd we were on to Guerro Negro. We stayed at the Malarimmo (?) Hotel and RV park. We were in our rvs last year when we stayed there. We had a great dinner there and crashed early. Yesterday, the 4th, we were in San Ignacio, staying in the hotel part of the hotel/rv complex. Again, last year we were there in the RV section, in our rigs. Weather was so perfect we had a great dinner on the hotel patio. We took the afternoon to drive out to the San Ignacio Lagoon, hoping to see whales. This side trip did give the guys a chance to give the 'lil' Jeeps an adventuresome ride for some 4 hours (total, out and back). No whales, but a beautiful view of the lagoon on the Pacific side of Baja. Today we just south of Mulege', at the Hotel Serenidad... and again beautiful weather. Roger and I both graduated to shorts.... Mike and Elaine started that trend yesterday. The roads are much improved and of course everything looks bigger (wider highway, taller trucks etc) but that is because we are in reg size autos, not higher up in RVs! Passing those big trucks is not so hard this time...lol Hope you have something wonderful planned for 2012...Happy Trails....
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