We spent 6 nights dry camping at Santispac bay on the way home. The weather was perfect and we kayaked almost every day. I tried out Mike Koehn"s kayak as it is a "sit in" style; rather than our "sit_upons". Guess we will all stick with our own styles but it's all fun. After our last paddle, we loaded up and headed north. I'm including just some general photos of the trip north. Cattle crossing the road can happen anywhere in Baja and everyone always needs to be watching for them. One of the places we dry camped on the way north was at St. Ynez, or "the Ranch" as it is called. A caravan came in later in the afternoon and circled just like the old time wagon trains. This "ranch" is a huge flat area, with a small restaurant at the east end. There are huge bolders and tall palms in the arroyo adjacent to the parking area. The photo of Roger in the arroyo at The Ranch shows him in a jacket and long pants! Boy, did we all complain about the change in the weather, though of course, we were heading North! The orange building is near the beach at Pabillon RV. We didn't pickup water at this park as we were warned it would be salty that close to the Pacific ocean. The top photo of our coach was at Rancho Sardo Mudo on Mex 3, about 60 miles from the Tecate' border. This was a new park for us. We were the only rigs there, out of season for the area I guess. However, this is a good road (at this point) and in a 'wine route' area. We crossed the border on March 25 and spent one night at Portrero State Park. Mike and Elaine have headed to Az. for a stay before heading north. We are in Pio Pico Thousand Trails park until 4/1 when we will head to Casa Grande. We have a long list to 'to-do's" while there. So it will probably be May before we start heading north. This has been a wonderful adventure. We have talked about going back to Baja again -how and when yet to be decided. We are looking forward to seeing our family and friends to the north, maybe finding more places to kayak on our travels. We look forward to seeing Mike and Elaine at Chelan in September, kayaking on the lake. We hope you are having an adventure of your own! Happy trails....

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