After too many days of wind and chilly weather, we have calm seas and beautiful warm weather today. Koehns rushed out with kayaks and paddles and hit the water. Pelicans sit on the boat anchored off our beach all the time. I drifted close in my kayak and got these shots. Of course, they flew off when I got too close, and my last shot on the camera is of just the boat. But I did manage to get some close ups, which is great. I took a lot of photos further north on our beach of the homes there. There are some Really gorgeous places. Right now there are several kayaks and divers in the water. Calm seas have brought out the sunbathers too. Just another beautiful day in Los Barriles. We leave for Enumclaw on Thurs and will return here the following Monday. Our daughter in law's mom has passed away and we want to be with them for the services. Enjoy every day - each one is a blessing. Happy trails...
After being full time RV-ers for several years, we have settled our winter home in Los Barriles Baja Sur. Our one time trip of a lifetime has turned into a new life style, having sold our RV this summer of 2013. Baja has captured our hearts in a big way. Our summers are still an open question, but life is too much fun to worry about it today!
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