Monday, November 22, 2010

Off road Jeep Trip 11/20/10

Roger got in one Jeep trip before we leave Casa Grande. He went with a group of "Rock Hounds" from our park. They went to the Ajax Mine and through Box Canyon. These photos will also give you a good idea of what some of the back country looks like in AZ in our area. The building on the hillside was part of the processing facility for the Ajax mine.In some places, there are just holes in the ground that leads into a mine. Last spring Roger had 'rockers' (don't ask, I can't tell) installed on the lil Jeep. This was his first chance to give them a work out and he had a grand time crawling up and down some very steep rock face.
The Rock Hounds brought back bags of rocks and everyone had a good time. Each trip is a new experience from year to year, even to the same places due to the effects of wind and rain. There are always new challenges each trip. And these guys and gals love it!
happy trails...

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