I couldn't resist posting these photos of the cattle on the beach from yesterday. I don't know why they tickle me so much... but you just don't see cattle walking down the street in Puyallup! We went to Caleb's for brunch yesterday. While waiting for our food, we heard a calf bawling and this was in town. Pretty soon two calves came wandering out a side street. They were slowly followed by 'mamma', but not fast enough for one of the calves, who was bawling and trotting ahead down the street. I'm pretty sure those three were part of the crew we saw on the beach later in the day. All of the hotels, resorts and rv parks have cattle grates in front of their entrances to keep these wanderers out of the grounds. In one photo, you can see the fence that encloses our park, and the 'people' gate for folks to get through. You can see where our kayaks are kept on the inside of the fence, which is pretty close to the water. Very handy! The cattle came down the beach, passed our park and took a left at the fence and trundled up into the free beach area. They settled down in the scrub further back from the water. When driving around town or out in the countryside, you always have to be alert to whatever is on the side of the road; it could cattle, horses or mules, goats or an ATV come roaring out of a side road or arrroyo. I did a painting of the cattle last year and I know there'll be one from this year.... the sun is out... our produce guy is coming today - that's a big event too! happy trails....
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Baja views 12/29/10
I couldn't resist posting these photos of the cattle on the beach from yesterday. I don't know why they tickle me so much... but you just don't see cattle walking down the street in Puyallup! We went to Caleb's for brunch yesterday. While waiting for our food, we heard a calf bawling and this was in town. Pretty soon two calves came wandering out a side street. They were slowly followed by 'mamma', but not fast enough for one of the calves, who was bawling and trotting ahead down the street. I'm pretty sure those three were part of the crew we saw on the beach later in the day. All of the hotels, resorts and rv parks have cattle grates in front of their entrances to keep these wanderers out of the grounds. In one photo, you can see the fence that encloses our park, and the 'people' gate for folks to get through. You can see where our kayaks are kept on the inside of the fence, which is pretty close to the water. Very handy! The cattle came down the beach, passed our park and took a left at the fence and trundled up into the free beach area. They settled down in the scrub further back from the water. When driving around town or out in the countryside, you always have to be alert to whatever is on the side of the road; it could cattle, horses or mules, goats or an ATV come roaring out of a side road or arrroyo. I did a painting of the cattle last year and I know there'll be one from this year.... the sun is out... our produce guy is coming today - that's a big event too! happy trails....
Monday, December 27, 2010
A day at the waterfall 12/27/10
Well, we took a little Jeep off- road trip to the waterfall in first arroyo. We thought we had made the trip to the 'waterfall' last year, but seems this is the one everyone was talking about! Course the other one was nice too, but now we're official. It was pretty amazing to see this much water flowing in the desert, and we hadn't had any rain. This narrow canyon is also used for other types of off road traffic, like horses and 4 wheelers including ATVs. There are lines strung across the canyon and we saw a group sliding along the lines, hung from a harness, wearing hard hats and having a grand time. Danny got his new (to him) Jeep muddy and this was considering a plus for the trip. Linda and I let Danny and Roger do the climbing around the rocks. They were slippery and we ladies are too dignified to land on our bottoms for the camera! As you can see, weather was perfect for the day trip. We ran errands to the store after this excursion for a few necessary groceries. Home in time to watch the Hobie sail boat come into our beach. We've seen some of the flying manta ray in the last couple of days... hitting the water with a big slap/flop. We missed the whales that were seen Christmas day unfortunately. Oh well, you see them all the time....lol Happy trails..... 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Christmas in Los Barriles 2
Christmas in Los Barriles 12/22/10
Well, I thought you might enjoy seeing some of the holiday decorations in our little village. The Petersons have colored lights strung on their coach, on their outdoor living tent and it's very festive! We have chili lights on the front of the coach and along the front of our canopy tent. We also have a red rope light around the mat in front of our door. Many of the big homes here are well decorated too. I did put up one local Christmas tree, that is on the second story on a house on the main road into town. It's there with the laundry and the tv dish. Our neighbors from Pennsylvania missed the snow so they made their own snowman.
Course he is made out of rocks, but lends a festive air to the beach. Other rigs in the park have lights up too. I think the new plan for Christmas dinner is to go to a local place for a traditional turkey dinner. Neither of us has an oven big enough to cook a real turkey in. Oh well, that's the rv life! Hope all of your prep for Christmas is under control and you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. happy trails....... ps. we have been having slow internet, can't tell if all the photos made it or not........will 'publish' and see......

Monday, December 13, 2010
Baja 12/1/10 Los Barriles!
Well, we arrived a day later than planned, but in good shape and happy happy Baja Buddies! Our sites had 'reserved' signs, which made us feel special.... things are usually very casual and open in Mexico. There was a wonderful art show the next day. We all went and enjoyed the sunshine, the art, the food, and the shopping. I was surprised at how large the show was and the variety of goods available. Elaine and I both bought blouses and I also picked up earrings. After lunch Roger bought two 'empanadas', thinking they were fruit desserts - which they sometimes are. This time however, they were meat pies (not fruit pies), and Mike enjoyed them. Today we spent putting up window covers, putting down front porch rug and putting up the canopy tent. Still have to find the side wall to the canopy and maybe some pegs to hold down the carpet, but not to rush... Baja time is better. I am hoping to get the gang to a restaurant in town called Orta Vez tomorrow night for dinner. This was one of our favorite spots last year to have dinner and listen to some wonderful music. Mike and Elaine are returning to the states for Christmas with family and will return in early January. We will struggle along in the sunshine and keep the Baja homefront until they return. Meanwhile, happy trails.....

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Baja coffee breaks and sights
I'm putting up some photos of "coffee" break stops we made on our trip south. We had pulled over in a wide spot with a little building for a break. All of a sudden the window opened, a man was there to serve us. He opened up his shades just because we stopped. Course maybe that is how they always do it. It can be very warm. We would not have believed anyone was there out in the middle of nowhere, until there he was! The young lady in the photo is making Gorditos.... a thicker tortilla (hand made there) slit to make a pocket and filled with whatever combination of food you ordered, carne, cheese and eggs, pork, or chicken. Then they are served with a side platter full of extras, guacamole', diced tomatoes, onion, cucumber, peppers, and shredded lettuce. They were a big hit!
The park is Misiones RV in Ciudad de Constitucion... happy trails

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Baja Mulege' 12/7/10
The photo of the Petersons driving down to the beach at Santispac, just south of Mulege gives you a good view of the beach. As you can see, there were almost no other campers on this beach while we were here. Course it is early in the 'season' but the weather was so perfect. I have included a photo of the Koehns at the grocery store in Mulege'... travellers have to eat, doncha know! We parked at Santispac beach for three nights. I love the photo of Roger decked out in his kayak. This was a big adventure for us...we were so thrilled to be there and doing just what we had dreamed of doing. The 'shrimp' guy came by and we all loaded up on shrimp again... the true Baja experience.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Baja days 2 and 3
I've included photos of our dinner at the Ranch and one of Mike and Elaine in front of their rig at the Ranch. Well, time is running short and we are going to dinner here at the Malarrimo Hotel and RV/& restaurant. We are following our Baja Winters book which is a big help. We are having a grand time.... moving on tomorrow to San Ignacio, "Rice and Beans". Happy trails......
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