What a difference 24 hours can make! Went from 76 to 36 deg. in 24 hours. Here are some photos of what Trinidad CO looks like in snow, very different from previous photos!
We had a little adventure yesterday, Friday. Coming back from town, we were stopped at the last stop light before the park. We heard a big screech, and were rammed from the rear. No one was hurt, and the Jeep seems ok... but the kid who hit us sure made a mess of his car. We were very close to a gas station so pulled over to exchange insurance info. When we were ready to pull away, Jeep wouldn't start! So we called AAA, I walked back to coach, and Lance and Roger waited for the tow truck. They got a "jump", crossed the overpass and bought a new battery. Roger doubts the rearender had anything to do with it, but it sure made for a crummy couple of hours. BUT, the kid's dad walked over later (seems they all worked at the resturant/gas business) and said it WAS a bad day for his kid. Police were on their way to pick him up for some other charge. Guys didn't stick around to hear the details. We celebrated surviving the whole mess later that evening by going to an Italian resturant in Trinidad, Rhino's. If you ever get to this town, be sure! to eat there, wonderful food and singing waiter/waitresses! We had a great two hour meal and entertainment. Who would have thought it in this littlel place. See, we are having life experieces on the road!
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