Christmas eve in our park, Fiesta Grande RV, it is a tradtion to put out lumminairies along all the streets in the park. A crowd of volunteers gather in the morning to fill the paper bags with sand and post them along the streets. As they are set down, a volunteer places the unlit candle in the sand. The first picture shows our lined street.
This photo is looking down into the white paper bag, after the candle is lit. They burn all night.
This last photo in the dark shows all the lit lumminairies and some holiday lights as well. This year we were lucky, no big wind and a clear night. Lots of folks walked or drove through the park to look at the decorated sites and enjoy all the candle light and decorations. The amazing thing is that on Christmas morning, by 9 a.m. all these bags of candles and sand are gone.
This is really a nice Christmas tradition and we enjoy it very much. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday.
Happy trails.....
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