We've made 2 of the 3 trips to Algodones in the last week, as part of our adventure with the dentist. It is a 3 hour drive to the border (Yuma). There is a $5 parking lot right at the border and we walked across. One of our destinations was the "purple pharmacy", where we loaded up at very good prices. They carry everything there,as well as cosmetics, vitamins..etc etc. List goes on and on. And there is a pharmacy on almost every corner! There are also dentists and opticians every block too. This was a first for Roger and I and I was impressed with our savings. Our friends have made this trip many times and had the itinerary all laid out for us. Our dentists are in a new building (see photo) about 2-1/2 blocks from the crossing. All of the surrounding street sidewalks are filled with vendors. My friend Max found a darling little leather shoulder strap purse and I found some pretty "glitters".
happy trails......