After our return from a short stay at Cultus Lake BC TT park, we returned to western WA, rain often our companion!. We stayed at the Thunderbird TT park near Monroe, WA. This park is in three sections. We stayed in the 'upper' section, where the pool, store and various playgrounds are. This section is also the one with full hookups. The other two are along the Skykomish river, with only water and power but views of the river. The sites are nice, with picnic tables and fairlylevel lots. Course the rain was still with us so we cut our stay there short and returned to Enumclaw. Our son Jason has poured a large pad around his 'warehouse' in the back of his lot which is great for our Enumclaw 'home'. Course it rained while we have been here too, but we did manage to see soccer games for 3 of our grandkids, Sharon, Kyle, and Kevin. The photos I've put up of our 'site', were taken the first day in a week that it has not rained, and you can see the clouds that are still hanging around.
Roger is waiting for our DISH receiver arrival today.... our antenna is a little 'pod'. I think of the green canvas tent, navy cot, and Coleman lantern and stove we used as a kid..... boy have times changed. Course camping along a river was my mom's dream...... and we are not that far from that scene....